Announcement of the Reasons for Evanesco ITO Delay and Compensation Plan

Evanesco Team
May 29, 2021

Dear Community members

After an official investigation with Mask Network, we found that the technician only conducted whitelist testing of the ITO contract on the test network, and did not retest the whitelist contract on the Mask main network. This led to the ITO round 1st users unable to participate and caused the ITO postponement.

In order to make up for the losses caused to community users by this ITO delay again, the Evanesco Foundation decided to compensate all whitelisted users in the ITO Round 1st & Round 2nd with an airdrop of 200 EVA per person, unlocking and releasing at the same time as ITO .

Evanesco ITO will start again, and date will be announced another day.

Evanesco team
May 30, 2021



Evanesco Team

Evanesco(EVA) is a unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecosystem that combines Layer0 network infrastructure with a private computing framework.