Evanesco Biweekly Report (By the end of 8.31)

Evanesco Team
4 min readSep 2, 2021

Technology & Product

DAPP Layer:


  • Launched Fortress Wallet, users can directly create wallet and import wallet to check swapped AVS balance.
  • Fortress Staked Mining completed the design and contract development and is on the stage of front-end testing and joint debugging. EVA team is expected to launch Fortress Staked Mining this week
  • Fortress Lending product requirements adjusted and updated partially, completed contract development, joint debugging, and testing are in process.

Middleware Layer

  • Completed the basic functions of Fortress Wallet SDK, the transfer function is under joint debugging and testing.
  • Fortress Vault, which is based on Zero-Knowledge Proof is under development. Repeated tests, verifications and audits are required for Fortress Vault.


  • Launched the AVIS testnet entrance of EVA
  • AVIS testnet already launched network synchronization and node debugging, network node program, and full node program have been public.
  • AVIS testnet explorer has completed development and is expected to be launched within a week.

Market Dynamics

The recent news

Many institutions announced that they would participate in AVIS testnet node testing of EVA, including Mars DeFi mining pool, the U.S. mining technology company Gopher, 499 block, Candaq, and Dealean Capital. Also, other institutions have willing to join in EVA’s AVIS testnet, and they are all under negotiation stage.

8.17 Evanesco’s CEO Zhe participated in AMA of CryptoDiffer

Evanesco’s CEO Zhe participated in the AMA of CryptoDiffer and released the latest news of AVIS testnet. Zhe said that testnet mining algorithm is GPOW. This proof combines the VRF randomness and the ZK-Snarks algorithm. It requires the miner to calculate the zkp proof in a short time and provide an online randomness proof quickly, which does not require high power consumption.

8.23 Evanesco released the latest Roadmap

8.23 Evanesco public the article ‘When do we start mining on AVIS Testnet’

EVA development team sets a pre-access launch plan to ensure the smooth operation of the cold boot and reduce unpredictable risks of the AVIS network. The pre-access of the AVIS network sets a 15-day cycle for 500 nodes. Community members participate in the AVIS testnet node running and mining by staking EVA in advance. Community members reserved for pre-access will join in node mining after the official launch of the AVIS testnet on September 7.

8.26 Evanesco announced the recommended equipment for testnet

Evanesco announced the recommended mining configuration parameter for AVIS testnet and offered install programs.

Mining nodes: single-core 2Ghz CPU, 4G memory, 10G hard disk, 10Mbps bandwidth.

Mining node program: https://github.com/Evanesco-Labs/miner

Full node: single-core 2Ghz CPU, 4G memory, at least 100 G hard disk, 10Mbps bandwidth.

Full node program: https://github.com/Evanesco-Labs/go-evanesco

8.27 EVA official launched AVIS testnet entrance

8.27 Evanesco released Global Community Co-Building Plan

Evanesco team will release 3 million EVA token ecological shares to promote and implement the Global Community Co-Building Plan. The first step of the recruitment plan mainly includes network node builders and KOLs. Global Community Co-Building Plan will help EVA to achieve more influence and famous worldwide. Individuals or organizations who interested in the co-building plan can send resumes or proposals to EVA’s official email contact@evanesco.org


8.28 500 network nodes released by AVIS testnet pre-access period

The 500 network nodes released by AVIS testnet pre-access period completed reserved by Evanesco users within 8 hours. AVIS testnet can be connected on August 31 for network synchronization and advanced node debugging.

Community members reserved for pre-access will join in node mining after the official launch of AVIS testnet on September 7. Within 15 days after the launch of the AVIS test network, the total output is expected to be 1.08 million AVS. Averagely, one node is expected to gain 2160 AVS, and AVS can be exchanged to ERC20 EVA in 1:1.

In order to reduce the difficulty of participation, Fortress will launch Loan products to allow community members to join in mining more easily. Also, the EVA team will release more nodes for the community after launched the AVIS testnet to gradually improve the test network until the test network is fully open.

8.31 Public article ‘AVIS Testnet Pre-Access & Fotress Wallet Launch’

From August 31, community members who have already reserved mining nodes can connect to the AVIS testnet to participate in beforehand network synchronization and node debugging. The test functions of the testnet include mining, block generating and transferring. The historical test data will be cleared before the official launch of the AVIS testnet and official generating block on September 7.

Also, the Fortress Wallet has been launched. Community members can directly create wallet and import wallet to check AVS balance through Fortress https://eva.finance/

Bonus: From September 4, UTC 00:00 to September 7, community members who participate in AVIS testnet can receive AVS airdrop from EVA, and the reward amount of AVS will be distributed according to the amount of generating block accounts.



Evanesco Team

Evanesco(EVA) is a unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecosystem that combines Layer0 network infrastructure with a private computing framework.