Evanesco Team
Apr 7, 2021


Evanesco has officially launched financing, and institutions such as Block Dream Fund, BlockArk, Bitz, Candaq, Cabin VC, Consensus Lab, Dealean, Digital Finance Group, Gate.io Labs, LD Capital, Mars Blockchain, MXC(PrivCode), NGC Ventures, Q42 Capital,R8 Capital, Spark Digital Capital, ZB Capital and other institutions have been deeply participated.

Evanesco(EVA) is Polkadot Eco‘s first layer0 privacy network protocol. EVA is aimed to build the unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecology that combines Layer0 network infrastructure and privacy computing framework. EVA will integrate asset issuance, management, transfer, cross-chain , interoperability & provide private liquidity to wallet, exchange and aggregation trading services. At the same time, EVA shares the external chain and privacy ecological fluidity through a cross-chain gateway to empower the DeFi ecosystem.



Evanesco Team

Evanesco(EVA) is a unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecosystem that combines Layer0 network infrastructure with a private computing framework.