Evanesco ITO Ended Successfully, and Preview of Upcoming Events

Evanesco Team
Jun 9, 2021

Hello all community members:

The EVA subscription of Evanesco ITO ended successfully at 12:00 UTC on June 8. Thank you all for your support.

Preview of Upcoming Events

1. The Evanesco Web3 Grant test network will be launched and opened source soon. There will be a test network activities plan quickly announced.

2. The Rust version privacy protocol client has completed the final self-test and debug work and will formally submit the Web 3 Foundation Grant to achieve the milestone node of the Grant.

3. Evanesco will be listed on the Uniswap soon. Please stay tuned for details.

Follow Evanesco

Official Website:evanesco.org


Github: https://github.com/Evanesco-Labs

Telegram: https://t.me/EvanescoIO

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/VnYXBSF



Evanesco Team

Evanesco(EVA) is a unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecosystem that combines Layer0 network infrastructure with a private computing framework.