Evanesco Monthly Report (2022 Mar)

Evanesco Team
2 min readApr 1, 2022


Technology & Product

DAPP layer


  1. Completed the multi-chain bridge architecture design
  2. Completed remould to compatible with Metis Andromeda Mainnet
  3. Completed Fortress MetaMask wallet version’s requirements review and design. Users could directly access all Fortress functions without importing the wallet File.


The Zero-Knowledge Proof Fortress Vault is tested for acceptance in a live environment.


  1. Completed optimizing and upgrading EVA mainnet full nodes
  2. The Front-end and back-end development requirements of the EVA computing platform are under review
  3. Completed upgrading the EVA Explorer
  4. Developing and testing EVA2.0

Market Dynamics

3.1 EVA Community held an AMA with Metauce

EVA held an AMA with the first Grant GameFi Project — Metauce, focusing on questions about Metauce. Metauce Community Leader Andy joined AMA and introduced Metauce GamePlay to our community.

Metauce, as GameFi, requires high-frequency transactions in the blockchain. Therefore, Metauce needs a public chain with stable, fast, and low gas fees. According to our research and tests, Evanesco’s privacy chain has fully met our requirements and exceeded our expectations.

3.4 EVA announced that BNBChain EVA has added liquidity on PancakeSwap

3.5 Officially launched Metauce on Evanesco Mainnet

3.6 EVA upgraded full nodes to optimize the contract adaptability

3.16 EVA launched the brand-new EVA Explorer



Evanesco Team

Evanesco(EVA) is a unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecosystem that combines Layer0 network infrastructure with a private computing framework.