Fortress Supports AVS Swap EVA

Evanesco Team
2 min readOct 9, 2021

What’s New

Fortress official launched ‘Swap AVIS test token-AVS to ERC20 EVA’ function with 1:1 swap ratio.

The followings are steps of ‘Swap

Step One: Import Fortress Wallet, and connect MetaMask.

Step Two: Go ‘Swap’, then ‘AVS → EVA.eth’. Enter swap amount and receive address.

Note: The minimum Swap amount is 10AVS.

Step Three: Confirm transaction information through Pop-up window and click ‘Next’

Note: Please check the ‘Amount’ and ‘Received Address’.

Note: ‘Crosschain gas fee’ is paid by users.

After clicking ‘Next’, start counting down for 24 hrs.

Step Four: Check ‘Swap Record’, manually claim after 24 hrs.

Step Five: Click ‘Claim’, and confirm information.

Note: ‘Claim gas fee’ is paid by users, and users can get the swapped EVA only after completing the ‘Claim’ operation.

Note: Claim Finish. Please note the balance change of the receiving address!

Please make sure that the swap address and the claimed wallet address are the same.



Evanesco Team

Evanesco(EVA) is a unique financial protocol platform in the Web3 ecosystem that combines Layer0 network infrastructure with a private computing framework.