Latest Announcement of Evanesco ITO Date
The latest Evanesco ITO arrangements are as follows
ITO Round 1st , Reboot at 6th of June UTC 12:00
Facing Mask Communtiy and EVA Community contributors(Users who have been whitelisted in previous ITO whitelist campaign can participate)
Amount: 3.3 million EVA
Price: 0.03$
Max buying amount (single address): 800 USDT (ERC20)
Tokens available to swap: ETH; MASK; USDT
The exchanging unit price of ETH & MASK is determined by the price on the day that the contract is launched
ITO Round 2nd, Reboot at 7th of June UTC 12:00
Facing all EVA communities (Users who have been whitelisted in previous ITO whitelist campaign can participate)
Amount:6.6 million EVA
Max buying amount (single address)::400 USDT (ERC20)
Tokens available to swap: USDT
Unlock Time for Round 1st & Round 2nd, both on 15th of June UTC 12:00
100% unlock rate, one-time unlock
1)Please follow EVA’s official ITO Twitter (@evanescoio)in time, and we will also share EVA ITO Twitter in the EVA community as soon as possible;
2)All whitelisted users will enter the EVA Foundation’s June airdrop plan
3)Users who have obtained EVA ITO whitelist qualifications can check the Evanesco ITO Participation Tutorial and prepare in advance to participate in ITO related work. Recommend Chrome Browser and MetaMask wallet for EVA ITO subscription.
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